Site plan approvals

Obtaining site plan approval

Site plan approvals are issued according to Order no. 47/1203/509/2003, issued by MEC, MTCT, MAI, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 611/29.08.2003.

In order to obtain the site plan approval, the beneficiary / applicant will send by e-mail to wz-AbRN7f&^q*aFOj!0c~{hx`8]#[Yqq8DE0RKiOalCA@WotIrpR%S' or will file at the DEPOGAZ headquarters or at the territorial offices (see the list of contact points below) a documentation consisting of the following:

1. Application form addressed to DEPOGAZ, containing the identification data of the beneficiary and of the applicant and also the subject of the request. The mailing address should be specified, if different from the address of the beneficiary / applicant mentioned in the application;
2. Technical presentation regarding planned works. Important note: in the case of water wells execution, it is mandatory to include in the presentation the depth to which these water wells will be drilled;
3. Urban certificate (in copy);
4. Zoning plan, scale 1: 25000 or 1: 10000 (two copies);
5. Site plan, scale 1: 500 or 1: 1000 (or other convenient scale), including the location of the constructions in the specific perimeter as well as the corresponding access roads, and containing the STEREO70 coordinates of the land and the construction work (two copies);
NOTE: The site plan must be drawn up by a licensed surveyor, be endorsed by the Land Registry and Real Estate Office and contain the identification coordinates of the site in STEREO 70 projection. The topographical documentation must also be submitted on magnetic support in a format compatible with GIS management information systems (DWG or DXF).
6. Land ownership papers – in copy;
7. If the applicant is not the beneficiary of the construction / work, the documentation and authorization from the beneficiary will be annexed.

According to Decision no. 8/30.05.2024 of the Board of Administration of DEPOGAZ, starting with June 1st, 2024, the fees for the issuance of the site plan approval will be as follows:

  • Fee for issuance of permit with on-site visit (including VAT):
    - legal entities: 3700 lei;
    - individuals: 3600 lei.
  • Fee for issuing the permit without on-site visit (including VAT):
    - legal entities: 500 lei;
    - individuals: 300 lei.

After submitting the documentation in accordance with the requirements, the applicant will receive a notification containing the registration number of the submission and by which they must agree to:

  • the fee to be paid;
  • the estimated issuing date of the site plan approval;
  • the delivery option of the site plan approval (to DEPOGAZ territorial offices / by fast courier).

After receiving the notification, the applicant must resubmit it signed to the e-mail address wz-AbRN7f&^q*aFOj!0c~{hx`8]#[Yqq8DE0RKiOalCA@WotIrpR%S' and, within a maximum of 2 working days, DEPOGAZ will send the applicant a copy of the issued invoice.

The invoice must be paid within 5 days after receiving it and the payment order will be sent by electronic means to the e-mail address wz-AbRN7f&^q*aFOj!0c~{hx`8]#[Yqq8DE0RKiOalCA@WotIrpR%S', including “Payment order” in the subject

The site plan approval will be issued within 15 or 30 working days, depending on the degree of complexity, and will be sent, according to the option expressed in the notification, together with a copy of the documentation and the original invoice (for individuals).

Depending on your choice, the site plan approval can alos be picked up from DEPOGAZ territorial offices from Monday to Friday, between 8:00 AM and 04:00 PM.

If the building permit has not been issued within the validity period of the site plan approval, the beneficiary has the obligation to obtain a new approval, through the same procedure.

Download form for legal entities Download form for individuals

List of contact points
Storage CTY Areas of interest Point of contact
Bălăceanca IF Glina, Cernica Punct de lucru Bălăceanca
sat Bălăceanca, comuna Cernica, IF
Bilciurești DB Răcari Secția Înmagazinare Sud
sat Săbiești, Răcari, DB
Butimanu, Bilciurești, Cojasca
Ghercești DJ Craiova Atelier de Înmagazinare Craiova
str. Traian Lalescu, nr. 29, Craiova, DJ
Cârcea, Ghercești, Mischii, Pielești, Șimnicu de Sus
Sărmășel CJ Cămărașu Atelier de Înmagazinare Transilvania
str. Lungă,  Sărmașu, MS
MS Sărmașu
Urziceni IL Urziceni Punct de lucru Urziceni
șos. Urziceni–Albești, km. 5, IL

Filiala de Înmagazinare Gaze Naturale DEPOGAZ Ploiești SRL
str. Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino, nr. 184, Ploiești, Prahova

0374‑403520 (Tehnical Department)

The documents required to obtain the site plan approval should be sent to the following e-mail address:


Map containing distances and safety zones

In accordance with Art. 190 of the Law on Electricity and Natural Gas no. 123/2012,  subsequently amended and supplemented, for the protection of natural gas targets / systems, it is prohibited to third parties:

a) to carry out constructions of any kind in the safety zones of the natural gas sites; if it is exceptionally necessary to carry out a construction on that specific gas site, the applicant will bear all the expenses related to the necessary modifications, in compliance with all the provisions regarding the design and execution of works in the natural gas sector and under the condition of transferring the resulting asset to the gas operator's patrimony;
b) to carry out excavations or works of any kind in the safety zone of the natural gas site without the prior approval from the system operator;
c) to store materials on the access ways or in the safety zone of the natural gas site;
d) to intervene in any way on pipelines, equipment or natural gas installations.

The map below shows both the safety areas of our gas storage sites as well as buildings, roads, or other elements that can assist you in determining whether a DEPOGAZ approval is required before the urban planning certificate is issued.

The red marked area, defined by law as the "safety distance," is the area where no building that accommodates people (dwellings, office spaces etc.) can be built.
The area marked with blue color, defined by law as the "safety zone", is the area where it is required to obtain a site approval from 

If you notice that the issuer of the urban planning certificate does not ask for the site approval from DEPOGAZ, please advise them to consult the map below.

For any doubt or to obtain more information on other legal issues, please contact the DEPOGAZ Technical Department (see the green area in the list of contact points above).

See map in a larger window